New Water: "Pollution" Meets Water Supply

Law Seminars International Finding "New" Water Conference
Anaheim, CA

Mary Lynn Coffee participated in a panel discussion alongside other legal and technical industry experts on "Legal Issues in Stormwater Capture and Use as Water Supply."  Her presentation was part of a 2-day conference sponsored by Law Seminars International. 

The 2-day conference, entitled Finding "New" Water, focused on identification and use of new water supply strategies, such as direct and indirect use of purified, recycled water; capture, treatment and use of stormwater; and desalination and treatment of groundwater and sea water.

Other presentations on October 5 and 6 included:   

  • Creating New Supplies Through Rehabilitation of Contaminated Groundwater
  • New Regulations and Other Developments for Creating New Supplies Through Desalination (Ocean an Brackish Groundwater)
  • Local Options and Solutions for Permitting New Development During a Drought
  • Overcoming Financing Constraints for Water Supply Projects
  • Recycled Water Projects: Issues and Strategies for Obtaining Regulatory Approvals

A tour of the Orange County Water District Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) was provided on the second day of the conference.

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