Legal Practice Before the California Public Utilities Commission in an Era of Transition

Young Utility Lawyers' Section of Conference of California Public Utilities Counsel (CCPUC) 2020 Summer Virtual Practice and Procedure CLE
12:30 - 2:00 p.m. PT

On June 17, 2020, Willis Hon co-moderated the Young Utility Lawyers' Section of the Conference of California Public Utilities Counsel’s (CCPUC) summer MCLE webinar, “Legal Practice Before the California Public Utilities Commission in an Era of Transition.” This webinar featured presenters from a number of different industries and explored some of the major changes that wildfires, bankruptcy, climate change and COVID-19 have brought about to utility operations and to the manner in which practitioners appear before the Commission. 

The Young Utility Lawyers (YUL) Section is a Committee of the Conference of California Public Utility Counsel (CCPUC) that serves as a social and professional networking group for attorneys with less than 10 years of practice in public utility regulation. YUL organizes networking and educational events to foster discussion among a diverse set of practitioners, including attorneys from private practice, utilities, the CPUC and public interest organizations. 

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