2016 ‘Wetlands and Waters’ Regulations

American Planning Association, California Chapter, Orange Section
Irvine, CA
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. PT

On Thursday, January 28, the Orange Section of the American Planning Association (APA) hosted a luncheon to provide planners with an overview of wetland and waters regulations pursuant to the Clean Water Act.  Mary Lynn Coffee co-presented on the panel, "Wetland and Waters Regulations: Strategies for Compliance," where planners learned how wetland/waters are defined and how existing regulations will be affected by recent court rulings.  The speaker panel provided insight on upcoming trends and how jurisdictional delineation is conducted, as well as offered strategies and tools available to comply with relevant State and Federal regulations.

APA is a non-profit organization devoted to advance the science of physical, economic, and social planning at the local, regional, state, and national levels.  The Orange Section of APA California includes over 600 professional planners in Southern California representing the public, private, and academic sectors.

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