Sexual Harassment - The Continuing Conversation

California Special Districts Association General Manager Leadership Summit
Olympic Valley, CA
1:30 - 3:00 p.m. PT

On June 25, 2018, Veronica Gray and John Kennedy presented "Sexual Harassment - The Continuing Conversation" during the California Special Districts Association (CSDA) General Manager Leadership in Olympic Valley, CA. This presentation addressed the need to reassess harassment prevention policies and training to ensure they are legally complaint, effective, and embraced; maintaining a workplace free of sexual harassment (as well as any other harassment and discrimination) where everyone feels safe and respected and understands that retaliation is unlawful; the legal and practical considerations; and how to endorse a collaborative approach, stay ahead of this issue, and be game changers.

CSDA is an association formed to promote good governance and improved core local services through professional development, advocacy, and other services for all types of independent special districts. The General Manager Leadership Summit is an event for special district leaders to come together to network and learn more about specific job responsibilities.

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