
Willis Hon focuses on serving water industry clients across California on a broad range of administrative and regulatory matters. He has extensive experience before the California Public Utilities Commission where he has participated in a number of ratesetting, adjudicatory, and rulemaking proceedings on behalf of water utility companies, industry associations, and regional transportation agencies. He also provides legal counseling and governance advice to public agencies on regulatory compliance issues, including matters relating to the Brown Act and public procurement laws.

Willis has written and presented on climate change resilience and adaptation matters, with a particular expertise on recent legislation addressing wildfire risks and the doctrine of inverse condemnation. He also has experience representing clients in federal court and before administrative agencies on environmental law matters involving the Clean Water Act and local air quality regulations.

Prior to joining Nossaman, Willis was an associate at a boutique environmental law firm in New York City, where he worked on federal and state environmental litigation and advised clients in regulatory investigations. He also served as a law clerk with the U.S. Department of Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Law and Policy Section.

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