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We make Happy Hour possible (you’re welcome).  We help clients in the hospitality industry, as well as retail groceries, airlines, sports & fitness facilities, and entertainment venues, navigate the complex licensure and regulatory requirements governing wine, beer and distilled spirits.

We represent clients in connection with the manufacture, distribution, storage, transportation, shipment, and sale (including Internet sales) of wine, beer and distilled spirits.  Our clients include businesses in all three tiers of the alcohol beverage industry, including wineries and breweries, wholesalers, distributors, retail outlets/chains, and caterers.

Clients rely upon us to help them comply with licensing and regulatory requirements of the State of California, including those relating to so-called "tied-house restrictions."  We also advise them on federal regulations imposed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Trade Bureau.

We have practiced in this sector for decades and have developed beneficial working relationships with many state regulators.  We are in regular contact with Licensing Representatives, Licensing Supervisors, Supervising Agents in Charge, in-house attorneys and other members of the Executive Staff of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.  Clients look to us for help with completion and regulatory approval of liquor license applications and transfers; the provision of timely notifications to regulators of changes in licensed premises, management, and/or executive officers; and the successful settlement of compliance or disciplinary actions brought by regulators.

We also counsel investors, financial institutions, and other lenders on liquor licensing matters that arise in connection with investments, financings and collateral.  When they determine it’s last call, we also help them develop exit strategies.

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